How does a citizen file under 1090 to confiscate/commandeer the plaza?

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It would probably be a good idea to work with someone with some legal experience if you want to do this effectively, but you can read all about filing complaints here: https://fppc.ca.gov/learn/section-1090.html

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Should Mayor Bass need expert advise on DTLA development, she can call on former Council Member Jose Huizar. An April 30, 2024 surrender date to begin a 13 year federal sentence did not mesh well with Huizar's new goals and plans. Judge Walter agrees. Check back around 9/15/2024 for the next update on keeping Jose Huizar out of prison indefinitely.

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Folks envisioning the residential conversion of massive high rise office buildings need a quick injection of reality. The typical large floor plates are not readily adaptable to the smaller apartments needed in the city, the buildings are very expensive to operate. Also a change of use from office to residential usually requires an upgrade to the current residential (architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing, life safety, energy and other) codes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_zFIg8N9Rw

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"...An empty pantsuit...", huh? Better than an emperor running around naked...

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I personally think Caruso world have been a better and fantastic mayor. He would have been on top of all this .

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Caruso had the potential to be another Riordan or Rudy.... instead LA has an empty pantsuit.

Folks should look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_zFIg8N9Rw before falling in love with high rise conversions to residential

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