Please don't get rid of Capitol Records, L.A.- save at least one part of your musical heritage...

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Thank you for all of your hard work saving the real history and beauty of Los Angeles. The Sibiana Circle is a much needed humanitarian project that will assist those who need help fighting the horrific real estate developers who are only interest in greed at any cost. Babs

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When I lived in LA long ago, Flax was my favorite art supply store. It goes to show that anything artistic or cultured is going to be axed by the thugs who’ve taken over while we weren’t paying attention, mistakenly assuming that our leaders had the good of the community at heart.

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Congratulations on the adoption of Gunner and Diesel! I didn’t know about the M. Flax building. I used to go past there on the 603 bus en route to a Saturday clinical at Gateways Hospital. Sad fate shared by so many old buildings with character. The ugly, maximum square footage boxes are replacing everything. Thanks for everything you do to spread the word.

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