
Gentle reader,

The Burial of the Unclaimed Dead ceremony for those who passed in 2021 will take place Thursday 12/12/2024 at 10am. RSVPs required (free) on Eventbrite. Sign up now before you read anything else!

Our sincere wish is that all who care to attend will have the opportunity to honor these souls in person this year.

Last year, tickets for the general public were limited to 75 people, but only about 20 actually came. We livestreamed the footage you see above as on-the-spot advocacy for returning this holy ceremony to its proper status as a free and open opportunity for the community to mourn and honor those who are unclaimed.

We have also advocated for the public to be able to park next door at Evergreen Cemetery, and while this information is on the flyer (below), it is not yet on the Eventbrite invitation, which should be updated soon to reflect that. This is important for public access, since street parking is very limited.

Should you click the Eventbrite link and find you are unable to sign up due to capacity being met, please post a comment on the newsletter thread below. We will continue to advocate for public access to the burial ceremony.

Yours for Los Angeles,

Kim & Richard


Update December 12, 2024: We are pleased to report that a large and respectful crowd was on hand to honor those who passed in 2021—and they even allowed for walk ins of folks not on the list. Despite the cacophony of construction jackhammers from across the street, it was a peaceful and moving ceremony, and a sweet opportunity to meet others who are drawn to participate. You can see the County’s livestream on Facebook here.

After the ceremony, we spoke with Supervisor Janice Hahn to express gratitude for her efforts to re-open community access to the ceremony this year, and about a long simmering archival project we hope will find a safe harbor in 2025.